Here you will find an overview of several project publications:
Mimicking the Helix with a porous disc for wind tunnel testing
Torque 2024, IOP Science (June 2024)
Comparison of helix and wake steering control for varying turbine spacing and wind direction
Torque 2024, IOP Science (June 2024)
Dynamic individual pitch control for wake mitigation: Why does the helix handedness in the wake matter?
Torque 2024, IOP Science (June 2024)
Synchronized Dynamic Induction Control: An Experimental Investigation
Torque 2024, IOP Science (June 2024)
On the Control of Downstream Wind Turbines using the Helix Approach
Master Thesis - repository TU Delft (March 2024)
Maximizing wind farm power output with the helix approach: Experimental validation and wake analysis using tomographic particle image velocimetry
Journal of Wind Energy (February 2024)
On the performance of the helix wind farm control
Wake Conference 2023 (October 2023)
Scaling DMD modes for modeling Dynamic Induction Control wakes in various wind speeds
CCTA Conference 2023 (August 2023)
Phase Synchronization for Helix Enhanced Wake Mixing in Downstream Wind Turbines
IFAC Conference 2023 (July 2023)
A new coupling of a GPU-resident large-eddy simulation code with a multi-physics wind turbine simulation tool
Journal of wind energy (July 2023)
Enhanced wake mixing in wind farms using the Helix approach: A loads sensitivity study
Abstract American Control Conference 2023, (June 2023)
Enhancing Wake Mixing in Wind Farms by MultiSine Signals in the Helix Approach
Abstract-American Control Conference 2023 (June 2023)
A flexible wind tunnel page 16-19
Offshore Industry (March 2023)
TU Delft wants to know which way the wind blows
AD Newspaper (January 2023)
On the Load Impact of the Helix Approach on Offshore Wind Turbines
Master Thesis - repository TU Delft (November 2022)
TU Delft test oplossingen voor zog-effect op windpark Hollandse Kust Noord
Schuttevaer (October 2022)
Interview with Jan-Willem van Wingerden about the Windshape Lab
Radio 1 (October 2022)
Windtunnel met 1500 ventilatoren om windmolens te testen
TV West (October 2022)
TU Delft opens globally unique wind tunnel
TU Delft (September 2022)
The Next Airbender
GROW webmagazine (September 2022)
Deel 1 Windmakers met Jan Willem van Wingerden
NWEA-Windmakers (September 2022)
Gejaagd door de wind
Shell (August 2022)
Enhancing Wake Mixing in Wind Farms by MultiSine Signals in the Helix Approach
Thesis - repository TU Delft (July 2022)
Energy snack
TU Delft / CrossWind (July 2021)